20 December 2013

Soy Meat Sambal Recipe

Hey guys. Today's post is a simple vegetarian recipe that no one can ever resist. Soy Meat Sambal. 

Just in case if you're wondering what soy meat is, soy meat is an alternatives to real meat. Soy meat contains the same amount of protein as real meat but contains no fat at all. It also contains fillers as it is made of flour or any other carbohydrate ingredient. The calories is of course, much more fewer than the real meat as there is no fat in it. 

So. Here we go. A simple, yummy and nutritious meal. 

Ingredients ;
  • Half packet of Soy meats (immerse in warm water for about 30 minutes.)
  • Cinnamon stick and star anises
  • 1 tbsp Chopped garlic and ginger
  • 1 big onion , sliced.
  • 1/2 big tomato , sliced
  • 1 cup Chilli paste
  • 1 tbsp Tamarind paste, make juice with 1/2 cup of hot water
  • Oil
  • Salt to taste

Instructions ;
  1. Saute cinnamon stick and star anises together with garlic, ginger, and onions until the onions are cooked well.
  2. Add in tomato and stir for a while until they soften. 
  3. Pour in the chilli paste and cook well until the raw taste reduces. Add in water bit by bit and let it evaporate to original thickness. 
  4. Pour in tamarind juice, stir well.
  5. Add in the soy meats after straining the water. Do not squeeze out the juice in it. 
  6. Season well and cook well until the soy meats are coated with thick sambal. 
Picture for reference. :)

Good luck and kindly drop your comment after trying out the recipe!

Till next time , Shanu. x

16 August 2013

Second Year of College.

Hello again fellow readers. I know I've been m.i.a for quit long, but I will try my best to update as frequent as I can alright? 
If I stop watching Gossip Girl online and Ghetto Justice and eating and being emo all the time and ugh. My life's just so boring right now.
Anyway, I've  successfully  finished a year of epic college life and I just have one more semester, internship aaand one last semester and poof! Bye bye Diploma. 

Anyhow, I must admit that my whole semester this time was terrific.  Contrary  to my last post tho, I did had some heard time dealing with my college mates not feeing good about some grades that ''I don't deserve'' , but as you saw , I said Ignorance is Bliss and yeah, I did find it true. I tried my best to ignore all those double faced friends , I tried my best to work with them, I tried my best to act normal and all happy on the outside and hey! It really worked. :) 

And guess what? I've actually started a small brownies business! First month itself, I've managed to get myself fifteen orders (more to come. Wohoo!) , thanks to my lovely friends, of course. And then my dearest best friend asked for chocolate cake for his father's birthday and it turned out pretty well and wo-la! Another business  opportunity. You may click on the picture for my Facebook page link. :D

Brownies, anyone? :3

So, back to my college life. My practical class was beyonddd amazing! Learning Malaysian Cuisine is so much fun and I loove trying out the recipes at home without worrying about my family's  taste-bud  for Asian food! Here's some of the food I tried. Be prepared to drool. *Muahaha*

My Deep Fried Red Snapper Fish and Sour! :D 
Almond Kulfi served with Vanilla Ice Cream. Check out the yummy pistachios on the Indian Ice Cream. :3 
Now THIS is my favourite! Mom cooked Chicken Rendang at home so I decided to help along by cooking Indian Tomato Pilaf Rice and some Gujerati Beans Salad! Yummy huh? :D 

And finallyyyy. This is what I made for my Malaysian Cuisine Practical Finals Exam! :D The theme was Nyonya + Malay food so I decided to create some with a mixture of both. Nasi Ulam and Gulai Ayam served with some Nyonya style pickles, fish crackers and 2 types of fried salted fish! :3 
I must admit that I've totally enjoyed my college life and no matter what, I will end it happily in just  less than a year time! Hip hip hooray! :D

Well, i guess thats all for now. Thanks for taking time to read this post.
Toodles till next post. Much loves! xx

02 May 2013

Another ''New'' Life

So I screwed up big time last semester.
They started talking behind my back.
Some back-stabbed. Changed the whole story and make me the only guilty one. 
I was alone.
Got depressed.
Cried the whole night.
Woke up the next day, not being able to control my tears, eyes all swollen.
Went to college, tried to control myself but I failed.
Someone cared enough to talk to me about it. 
I was fine
It was Finals week.
I studied.
Someone made a joke that I'm gonna fail. 
Asshole. I thought in my mind.
Sat for exam.
Got out of the exam hall with full confidence.
Still alone.
Socialised. A lot.
Hoping that my pain would come to an end.
It didn't.
Diploma : Second Year.
First day of college.
I realised the stares.
Felt like people still talked behind my back.
Acted to be ignorant.
I was quiet. 
They never stopped.
It rained heavily.
I waited.
It never stopped.
Finally took out my umbrella. It was broken.
Realised that my shoes worn out.
Tired. Sad.
Slept heavily in bus.
Got out.
Bag fell down. It was torn. Worn out too, it seems.
Talked to sister on skype.
''God's giving you a sign that you have to start a new life''
I used the umbrella, shoes and bag since forever in college.
Yes. I smiled to myself. : ) 
Results : Finally achieved 3.7 GPA.
I was happy. Overwhelmed. Posted on Facebook. Screamed in joy.
But the happiness didn't last.
They called me show-off.
What can I say?
What can I do?
All I need is a quote as a guide to my life.
So I said to myself.


08 February 2013

A Day With My Lil Munchkin. ♥

Hello again! :D

Soooo. My little munchkin a.k.a 'Mia Cheesyy Pocoyo' ordered the last murukku of the week from Murukku for Sale. ♥ So we decided to meet up in Time Square today. While waiting for her, I went to Famous Amos and bought her some Beryl's chocolates as she bought me my very first guitar pick. :3 ♥

From her. :'3

As soon as she saw me, we hugged and started our foooooooooood hunting. ♥ :DD 

I brought her to Penyet Express and we ordered some Ayam Penyet set. Yep. See the picture and droooool. ♥ 

Ayam Penyet :D

We ate, gossip-ed about some famous facebook kids, *Dhiviya & Arwind included, of course. :p * , listened to her endless stories, kept quiet during some awkward times as if we're on a first date, stared at each other, thinking what to talk, blablah. :3 

As we finished our meal, we stood up to pay our bill. I was shocked to see Hemma (Cheesyy) running to the cashier with her wallet. I took my own sweet time to search my wallet in my bag and went to the cashier ONLY TO SEE HEMMA PAYING FOR EVERYTHING! Guess what I did? I SLAPPED HER BUTT! And thennn, she said ''I love you too, chechyyy'' with her cute voice and zipped my mouth with a hug on the shoulder. </3 

We walked with our full tummy, shared stories, window shopped, visited my college, etc and said our farewell with a hug and she passed me my very first guitar pick. ♥ 

Had a reaaaally good time. Thanks to my little munchkin. ♥ :')

Hemma :D

*and I didn't take the murukku money as a punishment for paying for my lunch. BAHAHAHA. >:3

28 January 2013

Thaipusam 2013 : 12 hours journey :D

First and foremost, Happy Thaipusam! :D

Kindly click on the word 'Thaipusam' above to know the story and meaning behind this celebration. 

It has been years since I last went to Batu Caves actually. I was genuinely surprised when my mom suggested us to visit Muruga at night and to come back the next morning! We went to the bus stop at 8pm in the night and started our journey. The bus was full of India people! Had fun eavesdropping their interesting stories with pure Tamil dialect! xD 

We had to switch bus in KL. That's when our ''suffering'' started. The bus was soooo full of Indians (90% guys) and there were barely no space to stand at all! The worst part was when a lady fell on me when the bus stopped all of a sudden. I was standing near the bus door and thank GOD the bus contractor caught me like a hero. -.-

The bus stopped behind Batu Caves since cars were parked literally everywhere. We took our own sweet time and walked happily to the entrance and reached there around 10pm.

From Maxis. Somewhere near the entrance. 
We had hard time passing through the crowd. As we were walking, reaching for the staircase, someone held my shoulder and called ''Shanu!''. I was so shocked to see my ex-school friend's brother, Kathiresan Anne there. I just said ''Hi Anne'' happily and told my mom about him and continued our journey. :3

Lord Muruga. Before reaching the staircase. World's tallest Murugan statue. :3
One of the gorgeous kavadis. :D

As we almost reach the staircase, I heard someone calling out my name again. Turned around to see one hotttt fair guy grinning at me. I just waved him and said hi happily and had to walk because of my parents. Mom asked me about him and I was so blur. And thennn I remembered my facebook Gurkha friend, Ganesh who tought me which bus to take to Batu Caves! :D 

The staircase. There are 272 stairs, you know. :)
As we almost reach the top. 
Lord Muruga. Near the entrance of the top staircase. :)
Right after getting inside the cave, some good looking guy came to my mom happily. Woots. He was hot for sure. I was shocked when he called my mom. Mom said it was the first time we're actually meeting each other. ._.

The crowd. 
After taking archanai , we saw Muruga! Giving blessings to people. Mom went and prayed, paid obeisance and got blessings. I just watched, looked at him, said ''Muruga'' in heart and get blessings like a blur little child. ._. Happy to see him tho.

At the corner inside Batu Caves. Gorgeous. :)

Right before getting down from Batu Caves. ^^ 

As we get down. :)
After getting down, it was almost 12am and the crowd was getting bigger. We managed to find somewhere to sit down and have some drink near the shopping lots. It was nice to see Lord Muruga from the place we were sitting at. Right when the clock strikes midnight, they started the gorgeooous fireworks! I drank my 7up, looked at Muruga and wished him Happy Birthday happily. :3

We sat there for about half and hour and started walking. We walked and walked and walked. We found a locket similar to mine (with Murugan and Vinayagar) , silver coloured too but smaller in size.  I've been wanting a new one for so long, so mom bought it for me. ^^ If you know me well enough in real life, you can find me wearing the locket everyday. :D

Pretty prettyy. :)

Oh yeah, when my mom went to toilet, I was waiting for her with dad. I heard someone calling out my name loud. I was shocked to see my annoying, troublesome ex-school mate! He shouted my name again but walked away quietly when he saw my dad beside me. -_-

The crowd. Some of them slept there, on the floor. 
It was about 3am when my parents got tired and I couldn't stand the increasing crowd, so we decided to get out and watch the kavadis trying to get in. We had to crash the security as the dumb homosapiens pushed so hard at the behind. :( I even scolded one uncle for pushing me away, mumbling that we could just walk as if there are any way to get out on the in front. He was dumbfounded to find his stupid self getting scold by a little girl, but heh. He deserves it.

We managed to get out and found ourselves a place to sit right beside the entrance. As we waited there, I spend my time being on facebook, talking to Jojo. I was shocked to know that he was there too! He came finding for me with his good friend. As my parents were beside me, we found it very awkward to talk anything. So he said his farewell and walked away. xD

From the place we were sitting at. Lots of kavadis eh? It was never-ending! Trust me :)
So yeah. We sat there, enjoying our murukkus and candies, and decided to go back home around 5:30am.

As we walked to bus stop, I saw  a very familiar looking guy and it was my ex-school mate! He used to trouble me with his monkey love ever since I was in primary school! I had to say hi. He was surprised to see me. We exchanged some formal little infos like ''what are you doing now?'' ''working? studying?'' , etc. -.-

Got a bus right after reaching the bus stop! Luckily. Reached home around 7am and dozed off right after changing my clothes. Happy Thaipusam! :)

24 January 2013

Murukku for Sale!

Today, I helped my mom to make murukku
*I was just helping here to fry them*

My mom's workmates loooove her murukkus since mom always make some for them every year and surprisingly, they asked for 5 tupperwares of murukku last week! :O 

Murukku dough
Mom making murukku
Me holding it to fryyy. :3
Frying murukku
Tadaaaaaaa!  :D 

We're actually planning to open a small *really small* business. All you have to do is like our facebook page and write on the wall to start ordering! You may even comment on this post if you don't own a facebook account. :) 

Share and support please! xx