06 November 2014


Happiness to me, is to bake all day long and spend the night with loved ones. I don't mind not getting enough sleep, I don't mind bossy leaders, I don't mind annoying customers, I don;t mind as long as no one stops me from baking.
I'm graduating next week and I've been working on on my little online business  but here's the thing about working from home at such young age. You stay in other people's house. I know, it's your parents', but still, it's time for you to step out and start living on your own. It gets a bit annoying when I need to try out new recipes and practice my piping skills and stuff but the people around you would still see it this way ; wasted money. wasted time. what's the point if you're not selling it.
But. Is it wrong to make sure my products are really good before selling it? I mean like, come on. People don't repeat orders for my brownies just because it was my first brownies recipe. NO. It's because I tried it so many times and finally found the good recipe that everyone loves.
And about money, it's not like I'm asking money from anyone..

It's sad, really. I would leave this business and start working in a hotel. Infact, I want to go back to JB. I have offers there. But mom is so reluctant, saying that JB is so far away when my own brother is just there. I can work in other hotels, I know, but I can't be doing it from home when I got no transportation! Don't tell me to rely on public transportation during night shift. Don't tell me to actually ask for morning shift. And please, don't tell me to work in some random ass cafe or restaurants. I did not study for nothing. 

This sadness is turning into frustration lol sorry. 

'till next time, loves. x 


  1. Hi Shanu. Cheer up girl. Do what you think is best for you. You've accomplished so much at a young age and I'm sure you would have to go through so much more as you grow up. Chase your dreams. Take care ok :) xx

    1. OMG Haaai. I'm trying to cope up with everything with a big smile on my face for sure. I know I'm still young and yes, I won't give up on my dream. Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment. And thanks for the smile you just gave me. Hehe :) You take care toooo. :)) xx
